Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How am I feeling? (Week 8)

I'm doing very well. :)

Getting used to the fatigue, and finding a good rhythm. Food is still a challenge, and I could probably do with eating more vegetables, but I'm taking in a good number of healthy calories. My sweet tooth has really all but disappeared, which is strange. I ate an ice cream sandwich last night and about 1/3 into it, I was sorry I'd started. I'm also avoiding chocolate right now, since it doesn't help the heartburn. (I've had a little so far, but this morning, it arrived with a vengeance.)

It will be interesting to see how I fare on vacation - my goal is to eat lots of fruit and veggies and not fall into a giant carb-fest.

Smells are a big issue right now - cooking smells are a huge turn off. (Which is strange, because normally, that just makes me hungry.) So I'm eating stuff that doesn't smell... which means it also doesn't have a whole lot of flavour.

I'm losing a lot of my muscle tone due to lack of exercise, and while that is frustrating, I know I can get a lot of it back after the first trimester is over.

I think people are a little confused as to why I'm being (asked to be) so cautious. As it turns out, I'm actually not all that high risk... but there are no "do-overs" with us. This is our one shot. So we're just not taking any chances. And, if something does go wrong (God forbid), we want to know we did absolutely everything we could.

The possibility of something going wrong is always there. It hangs over me like a black cloud. I'm afraid to get too hopeful or too happy in case the universe views it as cockiness. What's that expression about the gods not liking mortals to be too happy? But at the same time, I can't let myself be paralyzed by that possibility.

I'm planning on (quietly) telling my work that I'm pregnant once I get back from vacation. One person on our small team is leaving on mat leave in October - I'd like to give my boss as much of a head's up as possible that a second person could be leaving before the end of fiscal.

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