Congratulations, you are officially a fetus! You're about the size of a raspberry (but I think we'll still refer to you as the lima bean), and your hands can bend at the wrist. You're losing the webbing on your feet, and you are growing eyelids. Your organs and muscles and nerves are all starting to function. You're starting to straighten out a little bit - which means you'll soon be losing that lima bean shape. All this at only 8 weeks - it seems hard to believe.
According to, I should increase my intake of tap (or fluoridated) water to help your teeth and bones develop properly. As I tend to drink bottled water, I'll make more of an effort to go to the tap.News of your conception is getting around quickly - and sometimes without our help at all! It's no secret how much we've been hoping for you, so I think people are extra happy to hear that you're on the way. Good news travels fast - and you are the best news.
We've had one person promise to write you a lullaby - we've asked for something in a mellow trumpet, befitting a groovy cool baby. Your Grandma is already chomping at the bit to buy you things. Your aunt is doubly excited because your existence means she can get a lot of stuff out of her basement - she's been saving stuff for you for years, little lima bean. Other generous friends have also kept stuff for you. Talk about keeping the faith.
you're gonna love this world
if it's the last thing i do
the whole extravagant joke
topped in bitter sweet chocolate goo
for someone who ain't even here yet
look how much the world loves you
-ani difranco
Keep growing strong. And if you can, reach out to the love that is all around you.
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