Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Special Care

Yesterday evening we had to re-admit our little guy to the Special Care Nursery at the Ottawa Civic Hospital. He is showing signs of jaundice, and his bilirubin levels aren't what they should be. So he went in for some time under a special lamp that will treat this. He's going to be fine - this is just a minor setback.

I won't get into what it was like to have to leave him there overnight. Maybe some day I'll blog about it, but not today.

On the bright side, both Bundy and I are better rested this morning. They are going to keep him until tomorrow for sure, so we'll have another night with a full sleep.

We're headed there now to spend the day with him.

The fact that his grandmother is one of the most senior nurses at the Special Care Nursery is also very reassuring - if I have to leave him somewhere, there's nowhere I'd feel more comfortable doing it.

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