Thursday, February 18, 2010

Back to the doctor today...

So I had an appointment yesterday with Dr S, as Dr P is off this week. My blood pressure was higher than it should have been. So he ordered blood work, and asked me to come in again today to double check it.

I warned him that the high result was likely due to something that happened on the way to the appointment. (While pulling out of the garage, I dinged my passenger-side mirror and broke some of the plastic, which caused me to sit in my car in my driveway and cry for 5 minutes because that's what happens when you damage your new car and you're nine months pregnant and full of emotional hormones.) Also, I was a bit dehydrated - I haven't mastered the "drink water while at home" thing yet. But we now have a fresh jug on the cooler, and I'll get with the program. (I think I may have subconsciously just gotten tired of peeing all the time.)

Anyway, I'll head back there today for 11:45, and hopefully the blood pressure will be normal again.

It scuppers some plans I'd made to go and see Reg this morning, but it may be just as well. Bundy said we could go see him together on Sunday morning - and that this would probably be the last visit for a while. I just don't have the energy these days.

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