Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dear Moe (25 Weeks)

Hello, my darling. Apparently, you can respond to my touch now - which may explain why Daddy's hands still soothe you so much. You may even be able to see a bright light if I shine it on my belly. You're about a pound and a half, and measure about 13 inches. And I love you.

It's been an eventful week here - Daddy and I attended our first of six pre-natal classes last night. I think it's going to be a really good experience. Already I've gained a better understanding of what happens to my body when you decide it's time to join us here on the outside. I've also learned about more comfortable ways to sit and a few important exercises I can do. I'm going to bring the yoga ball downstairs again and sit on it during the evenings. I'm considering bringing the other one to work.

The class is also providing us with information about all the options we have for birth, and will help us determine our birth plan. That's basically our wish-list for how we'd like things to go, Moe.

Your crib is all set up, Moe. And I've started going through the many clothes that our friends have given us - you have lots of hand-me-downs that are in excellent condition. I'm trying to sort them all by size - but I'll tell you, Moe, the sizes can be pretty inconsistent! I'm having a great time, though. And we've put aside a couple of the tiniest outfits for your arrival and trip home from the hospital.

You make me so happy already, Moe. I can't wait to discover what we'll give to each other once you're here.

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