Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dear Moe (20 weeks)

Hey, there, little dude. You are kicking up a storm. (You tend to kick most right after I eat.) It's still a little too early for your Daddy to feel it with his hand, but it won't be long now before he can. You're about the size of a canteloupe, and you're covered in vernix, which will keep your skin from getting all bathtub-pruney.

Did you feel the party vibe on Saturday? We had a house full of your biggest supporters, and it was wonderful to look around the room and see all these faces that I love. We even had visitors from out of town - and one came all the way from Montreal just to celebrate with us.

Reaction to your name has been overwhelmingly positive - or it could be that we just have polite friends. ;) Either way, word is getting around. Your Aunt Reiko was tickled when she heard it.

Along with a great number of goodies from people who love you, you also received your first anonymous gift this week. I'm not entirely sure why the giver wanted to remain anonymous, but they dropped your gift off in our mailbox. It contained a lovely card that expresses my sentiments about you perfectly, and a lovely little newborn onesie that says, "The world is a better place with me here." How true that will be!

Some of the hand-me-downs that have come our way for you kind of blow my mind. We got a bag full of tiny little socks! I marvel that your feet will be that tiny - but also that big. I think I just marvel at your existence in general.

I've been pretty lax about taking pictures of my belly, but I finally got around to it this week. Here I am, with you, at 19 weeks and 5 days:

I love you like crazy; keep growing, and keep on kicking - it's the best part of my day!

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