Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Today is Day 3 of the injections. Mom and I are getting into a groove. And while the shots themselves don't hurt too much, about 5-8 hours later I end up with real muscle soreness. Yesterday I probably made it worse by going for a run right after the injection. Oops.

The nurse recommended trying heat and/or cold and going with whatever was most soothing. Well, heat wasn't stupendous, so I'm thinking I may try cold today if I need to.

In the meantime, I'd better pick up some Extra Strength Tylenol - it's the only painkiller either of us are allowed to take right now.

They say that the more relaxed you can make the muscle during the injection, the better it will be. But I happen to carry all my tension in my hips. *sigh*

(Oh, and here's a little diagram that shows the proper injection spot, if you're curious. X marks the spot. We alternate sides each day.)

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