Sunday, May 23, 2010

Dear Moe (13 Weeks)

This week, you turned 3 months old. Both Daddy and I agree that in some ways, it doesn't seem like it's been 3 months already, and in others, it's like you've been here forever. We just love having you in our life, we can't imagine it without you.

I'm pretty sure you've been having another growth spurt this week - you've been eating pretty much every two hours for the last couple of days! I'm looking forward to THAT being behind us. But you make such appreciative noises while you feed that I don't really mind. It's nice to be appreciated. ;)

You weighed in at 12 lbs, 14 oz this week at the well baby clinic, and we had our 3 month check-up with Dr. D. She referred us to the torticolis clinic at CHEO, and our appointment for that is next Thursday. They will give us some exercises to do. She also gave us a stronger prescription for cortisone cream for your back and arms, as the eczema there is getting pretty bad. You also have quite a bit on your scalp - it's hard to tell where the cradle cap ends and the eczema begins. So I'm taking Grandma's advice and going off all dairy for a week to see if that improves things for you. Today is Day 1, and let me tell you, it isn't easy not to go to the fridge and grab a glass of milk out of habit!

We had our first trip to a museum this week! Grandma and Granny and I were planning on going to the opening of the Canadian Museum of Nature, but when we got there the line was all the way around the building. It occurred to me that the Agriculture Museum was probably pretty empty, and it was! We watched border collies do agility runs, and watched dogs herd sheep. You really watched, tracking the dogs and the sheep with your eyes. You dined alfresco under a tent, and we got into the car just as the rain was starting. You wore your sunglasses and your sunhat with reasonable patience, as long as you were out of the stroller and in my arms.

You do the funniest thing when you're awake and alert and lying on your back. You grunt happily and move your legs like you're running. You've done this for some time, but I never thought to mention it in a letter. We love it - it's so cute. It's like you're training for a marathon or something. We're not sure where you're going, but we know you're getting there fast!

You are starting to have toys that you really like. Kneebra the Zeebra, for example, who has little knots for knees, sits with you in your bouncy chair and you grip his legs and jiggle him. You also enjoy your colourful dice. You don't hang with Sophie so much anymore, because I've started putting you in your cot inside your crib, so there isn't as much room for Sophie. I do this because otherwise you weasel away from your blankie roll and end up on your favoured side. I'm hoping we can get you back to being the small boy in the big crib again soon.

You bring such happiness to our lives, little Moe. We love you buckets and your smiles and giggles brighten our days. Keep being such an amazing awesome little guy. xoxo

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