Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dear Moe (12 Weeks)

Hello, sweetheart! You found your fist this week! And as much as you enjoy munching it, sometimes it betrays you. If you are tired you lose your coordination and your fist bops you in the face. It is both funny and tragic.

You've officially doubled your birth weight, tipping the scales at 12 lbs, 6 oz. You are getting deliciously plump - whenever I bathe you I find new crevices to clean.

You are so even tempered and chill, it's amazing. We brought you with us to a fantastic dinner out last night, and you sat happily in your car seat until dessert, when we popped you out and passed you around. You didn't fuss at all.

We've started a new routine. We do things in the morning, nap together in the afternoon, and then in the evening I can sometimes go and do something on my own. Also, Grandma is insisting that Daddy and I go out alone together at least once a week, and we're going to do that. We went to a movie last week, and it was strange to be without you, but nice to see each other. We came back eager to see you, though!

When we go to the doctor on Tuesday, we're going to talk to her about your head and neck, and about your skin. You still have patches of eczema on your face, neck, arms, shoulders and back. And you have a bit of a rash on your tummy. I've switched to Aveeno soap, and everything you wear gets washed in the sensitive skin detergent and without fabric softener. We've up your tummy time considerably, but you still favour that one side of your head. I tried propping your shoulder up with a blankie roll in your crib, you can weasel away from it. So now you sleep in your cot in your crib. You can't slink away from the blankie roll in your cot!

You have a delightful smile. You love pony rides on my knee, which is also an effective way to burp you. You collect lint in your toes, which are practically prehensile. You still have your awesome little faux-hawk (or, if you prefer... moe-hawk). When you are awake and alert, you are AWAKE and ALERT. Your cheeks are super kissable. You enjoy being in the Baby Bjorn carrier, and when you're in there, you look up at me with your adorable eyes. Your ears wiggle when you nurse, and your eyebrows waggle when you're engaged. You are made of awesome, and we can't imagine life without you.

Keep being such a wonderful, sweet little guy. We love you so much, there are no words.

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