Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dear Moe (34 Weeks)

Hello, my darling. You're now about 4.7 lbs, and 18 inches from head to toe. We're at the point now where when you move, I can sometimes feel something pointy (elbow? knee? foot?) poking me. It's very cool.

We've asked a dear friend of ours (who just happens to run an excellent photography business) to come and take some photos of me, your Daddy, and my belly. (So, photos of you, really.) I haven't done a very fantastic job of photographing my growing belly on a regular basis, but these portraits should provide a nice record of my body at its (almost) fullest. I'm looking forward to them. Being pregnant has been such a wonderful time in my life - I would like a nice keepsake from it. You know, other than YOU, which is certainly the best "keepsake" I could imagine. :)

I had a wonderful time with your Aunt Marsha last weekend. It took some coaxing (of you, not her), but she did manage to feel you move under her hand. And we went swimming, which was just so wonderful that I intend to try and do it a few more times before you arrive. What a treat to feel so weightless!

Aunt Marsha also threw your Daddy and me a wonderful baby shower. It was at a pub downtown, and it was so lovely to see all these people who love us all in one place. We didn't play a single game, no one had to eat baby food, and I didn't have to wear gift bows in my hair. It was perfect. We ate great food (there was far more than we thought there would be), laughed and chatted, and then we opened our gifts and were overwhelmed by the generosity of our friends. It was a really lovely time.

We also bought the last item of furniture for your room - it's a tall, thin cabinet where I'll be able to keep all your diaper changing accessories, as well as display some of your toys and stuffed animals. And last night, a Costco decorator came to our house and we bought some gorgeous blinds for your room (and the other bedrooms) - yours are a pale yellow, honeycomb style, and they are "blackout" blinds so they let in hardly any light at all. You'll be able to nap happily any time of day (she says hopefully). And we went the extra mile and got the cordless style so there would be no danger of you hurting yourself on those dangling strings. Also, Boo won't drive us crazy playing with them.

Only five more sleeps until we get to see you on that ultrasound screen, Moe-o'-mine. I can't wait. Until then, keep growing and soaking up our love. We're sending you an awful lot of it every day! xoxo

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