Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dear Moe (32 Weeks)

Hello, darling. Welcome to eight months. Just eight weeks to go (give or take) until you are here with us on the other side. And only about four weeks until I begin my leave. It's getting very exciting.

We had our appointment with Dr. P today, and from here on in, he'll be seeing us every two weeks. Everything looked great - my blood pressure is textbook perfect, and you are exactly the size you should be. (Which means that I can ignore all the people who keep saying, "You don't LOOK eight months pregnant... isn't he on the small side?")

Our next appointment is in just under three weeks, and we'll get to see you in an ultrasound one last time. This wasn't part of the original plan, but Dr. P. would like to make sure that we know what position you're in. He wasn't able to tell today by poking and prodding. Knowing in advance whether you are head down will help us plan for labour a bit better. If you aren't head down yet, start thinking upside-down thoughts!

We also finished our prenatal class this week, and while I don't think anyone goes into this feeling 100% prepared, we certainly feel more prepared than we did before the class. We've also been introduced to infant care and breastfeeding, which is helping us feel more confident that we can take care of you properly.

Whether you are head down or not, you're starting to get big enough that your movements have changed. Gone are the kicky jerky movements, and instead I can feel you generally shifting around. You must be running out of room in there! Also, there are times when the pressure on my bladder is a little crazy - not so hard, ok, darling? :)

I've been eating plenty of pink grapefruit and drinking a lot of low-acid apple juice. (Of course, I would start craving pink grapefruit just as Florida's crops are destroyed by poor weather.) I wonder if you'll like these things when you're here with us. (Your Daddy doesn't understand how anyone could like grapefruit, but maybe you'll see things my way.)

I'm sending you buckets and buckets of love, sweetheart. Keep growing and developing and getting ready to join us here on the other side. We love you so much and can't wait to meet you.

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