Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Status UP-date

Well, the mock is done. Now we're just waiting for OWD to get the go ahead to begin the Puregon, at which point we start the cycle for real. I'm in a holding pattern until then, at which point I'll take Estrace until my uterine lining and blood levels check out, then move on to the IM Progesterone injections again. Then we'll have an egg retrieval and a transfer, hopefully. And then... we'll see what the results are.

It's hard to believe this is really happening - it's been such a long journey for us - four years has felt like a very, very long time.

And whatever happens, we've been so fortunate to have such wonderful, supportive friends stand behind us. We're lucky that we can be so open with you, that we can share this journey with people who love us and want the best for us.


So I went to see Up! last night with Bundy, and Janine. (Mark would have come with us, but he was fighting with the gas company.)

I was aware that infertility played a role in this film - this was from the CBC review:

"In less than five minutes, a wedding gives way to a life of love located in small moments feeding birds and watching the shape of clouds shift, side by side. While still young, sad news arrives that the couple can't have children, a moment depicted only by the slump of a cartoon body in a doctor's office, shot from outside the door. Something in that silent image said more than any poetic dialogue could have, a cartoon capture of the way profound moments sometimes feel like movies happening to someone else."

So I was prepared. But holy crap, that was a devastating 10 minute montage. I'm not sorry I saw it, though. What a great movie.

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