Monday, June 21, 2010

Dear Moe (Four Months)

Well, sweetheart. It's been a very eventful week for you! You are officially four months old. We went back to the well baby clinic after missing two weeks, and you tipped the scales at 14lbs 9.5 oz. You finished your antibiotics, you went in your Jolly Jumper, you sat in your high chair, you weathered home construction noise, you celebrated Father's Day and... you rolled over for the first time!

At the well baby clinic, everyone was impressed with the positive changes to your skin. I exchanged email addresses with some of the moms, and we're going to start our own little playgroup, as most of you babies are more than 3 months old now. As you're one of the only boys in the group, I predict you'll have a grand old time with these beautiful little girls.

You handled 10 days of antibiotics like a champ. You're all done now, and your ear infection is totally cleared up. It has been so nice for us to have our sunny little guy back again. The medicine upset your tummy a little, but I think the fact that I had a yogurt every day helped you.

Your head control is getting so much better all the time. I'm able to carry you on my hip (although I have to keep a hand on your head to be sure), and you were able to go in your Jolly Jumper for the first time! You really enjoyed it – which isn't a surprise, as you LOVE to stand up. The only problem is that we have a door frame Jolly Jumper... and no door frames on the main floor. Right now, it's set up in our bedroom doorway, but that's kind of narrow, and you and I don't hang out there together too often.

But all is not lost in the standing department! Granny worked very hard today cleaning your exersaucer – it used to be your cousin Isabel's. It's as good as new thanks to Granny's elbow grease, and it's in the living room. You sat in it for the first time this afternoon, and although you were really, really tired at the time, I think you liked it. We had to put a book under your feet as you still aren't quite tall enough for it, but that will come in time. I'm looking forward to watching you get used to it.

Much like you've gotten used to your play garden, which you love. You set off the noises with your hands and your feet! And it was doing this that led you to your most recent accomplishment... rolling over! Earlier this week you started rolling onto your side, but you weren't quite sure what to do when you got there. But on Friday night, you rolled right over onto your tummy. You sure picked your moment carefully – Mommy, Daddy, Granny and Grandma were all over and watching, so there was thunderous applause. Everyone was so proud of you!

You also sat in your high chair for the first time this week. I gave you a few spoonfuls of yogurt for your tummy (to counteract the antibiotic), and you seemed to enjoy them very much. We'll start you on rice cereal soon – we even got you some spoons, thanks to your Auntie Beckah. Grandma bought your a food mill, too. So we're getting all set to begin the solid food adventure!

You haven't been sleeping terribly well during the day, but you've been a real trooper about it. We've had workmen building us a new front stoop and front walk, and they use very noisy machinery. I'm sometimes really stunned at what you can sleep through.

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