Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dear Moe (16 weeks)

Hello, darling. A long overdue letter, for sure. But it's been a busy couple of weeks!

Where to start? Well, for one thing, you discovered your play garden. You figured out that if you touch different things, they make music and other noises. This was a big breakthrough, and you've enjoyed playing with it ever since. You have enough motor control now to set off all the noises - I've even seen you trying to set them off with your feet! You also have excellent head control now and are enjoying sitting in your Bumbo seat.

But the big event this past two weeks was our trip to Halifax to visit Grandpa. You were a superstar on the plane on the way there, and you did great meeting all those new people who love you. We set up in the basement, and took over the ping pong table as your diaper change station. I haven't slept in the same room as you for some time - you're a noisy little sleeper! And that first night, you were miserable. You didn't sleep very well the entire time we were there. I chalked it up to being in a new environment, but I know now that you had an ear infection from the plane. Despite the discomfort and crying throughout the visit, you were very good in Halifax. You just weren't quite yourself. But you did become increasingly chatty! You love to talk away with anyone who will listen!

Grandpa rented you a swing and a bouncy chair, and you enjoyed both very much. I bathed you in the kitchen sink one night, and then with me in the bathtub another. It's really great how adaptable you are.

We brought you to church on Sunday morning to hear Grandpa and Uncle David play the violin, and you did beautifully. I think you liked the music! And at mealtimes, you were happiest when you could sit on someone's lap and join in the conversation. All in all, everyone fell in love with you and we had a nice visit. You and I walked through the Halifax Public Gardens, we bought souvenirs for the folks at home, we went to see where your aunt and uncle paddle in the summer, and we visited the Halifax Harbour.

The plane ride home, however, was a bit of a disaster. You were crying, your bottle of formula broke and leaked all over the diaper bag, and you soiled your diaper in an epic poonami and it got all over your clothes (and mine) but we couldn't change you until the seatbelt sign was turned off, and you were generally miserable. But through it all, you were (and always are) so patient.

When we got home, you were so very happy to see your Daddy, who missed you very, very much. You also had big smiles for Granny and Grandma, who came over to see you right away. But your ears were bothering you in a big way, so I brought you to the doctor on Wednesday morning, and sure enough, you had an ear infection. You are now on Day 3 of 10 days of antibiotics, and I think we've weathered the worst of the storm. Your ears are leaking discharge, which must be uncomfortable, but means the infection is getting better.

It was really hard to see you being so sick. You didn't eat as much, we didn't do any tummy time, and you were really only comfortable on my shoulder. The fact that you are teething isn't helping the matter. Daddy went to Toys R Us and bought out the entire teething section, so now we have cold things in the fridge for you when your gums are bugging you. Strangely, you don't seem to be teething on your bottom gums... it's your top gums, and near the back! It must be very uncomfortable.

And you have grown! We've missed the last two well baby clinics, but you were weighed at the doctor's office and are about 14 lbs, 6 oz. You look bigger and longer. I'm not sure where my little baby went, but am loving this bigger guy who has taken his place.

Yesterday you came with me to my annual workplace picnic. It was really nice to see people, and everyone wanted to hold you and look at you. There was even a line-up! You sat patiently in others' arms while I ate my lunch, and then you fell asleep in your car seat so I took you home.

You had a great night last night - I think you're catching up on missed sleep. You slept from about 9pm to 2am, and then from 3am to 8am. I feel like I've won the lottery. We were in such good shape that we managed to bring Daddy "Breakfast and Baby in Bed"!

And so, darling, I have to tell you how much I admire your patience. You are so sweet and good, even when you're miserable and in pain. You never cry for no reason, and because of that, I know that when you cry something is very, very wrong. I'm so proud of how well you did during our trip, on the plane, and meeting all kinds of people. We'll get back into our routine this week coming, and hopefully you will be feeling much better very soon.

I love you like pancakes. I love your expressive eyebrows, your practically prehensile toes, your eyes (which can change from sweet to roguish so quickly), and your wonderful little chatter. Keep being so awesome.

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